728x90 반응형 sims 4 cc58 448. family pose 2024.12.08 - [p o s e/f a m i l y] - 444. family pose 444. family pose sims4ssiat.tistory.com p o s e/f a m i l y 2024. 12. 22. 447. couple pose 2024.12.09 - [p o s e/c o u p l e] - 445. couple pose 445. couple pose sims4ssiat.tistory.com p o s e/c o u p l e 2024. 12. 20. Bongddi x rOsie x Ssiat Our summer vacation 2 봉띠 Bongddi[BONGDDI] blender scene/In-game items- 씬 총연출(모든 아이템 배치)- 씬 집 관련 모델링 (지붕, 툇마루, 빗자루, 신발장, 빗물받이, 담벼락, 컨테이너, 호미, 바가지, 대문, 밥상, 벽 거울, 계량기, 창문에 달린 커텐, 마당의 나무)- 장화 인게임용 제작link 1 : Scene (by bongddi) : here 로지 Rosie[ROSIE] Modeling (Yard) , Solo pose 마당 평상 제작 모델링 (화채, 만화책, 모기향, 파리채, 수박 담긴 대야, 장독대, 평상, 삽)- 솔로 포즈link 2 : Solo pose(rosie) : here 씨앗- 카스템 : 모자, 여심&남심 일바지- 빨래건조대, 수돗가, 버너, 모든.. Made by Me 2024. 8. 29. 357)Thank you for giving me the name friend 2023.08.14 - [p o s e/f r i e n d] - 350)Every moment is only directed at you 350)Every moment is only directed at you sims4ssiat.tistory.com p o s e/f r i e n d 2023. 10. 25. 343)Will you keep me by your side every day p o s e/c o u p l e 2023. 6. 16. acc)Bear hoodie vest ver1,2 for infant hoodie on : HAT category hoodie off : Necklace category sorry,,, not perfect weight.... T-Tzz Made by Me 2023. 5. 20. 336)the end of spring the beginning of summer p o s e/f r i e n d 2023. 5. 7. acc)Wang bow Made by Me 2023. 5. 4. 333)Because It's Spring p o s e/c o u p l e 2023. 4. 21. 323)azalea and forsythia p o s e/f r i e n d 2023. 3. 9. 319)Let me be your tomorrow tonight p o s e/c o u p l e 2023. 3. 4. 316)Malibu morning sims 4 pose ts4 pose sims 4 friend pose ts4 friend pose 심즈4 포즈 심즈4 친구 포즈 p o s e/f r i e n d 2023. 2. 24. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음 728x90 반응형